Arena Theater
Located in the ISI Yogyakarta area, Jalan Parangtritis Km 6.5 Yogyakarta 55001, Telephone (0274) 384108, 375380, Fax: (0274) 384108, and e-mail:
The Arena Theater of the ISI Yogyakarta Faculty of Performing Arts is located inside the Dean Building of the ISI Yogyakarta Performing Arts Faculty which was built in 1998 with an audience seating area of 139.00 m2 and an arena/stage theater area of 185.02 m2.
The Arena Theater Building of the ISI Yogyakarta Performing Arts Faculty functions as a venue for performing arts performances with an audience capacity of 200 people. Apart from that, the arena theater can also be used for activities such as practical lecture activities, receiving visits from guests/schools/etc., and can also be used as a place to carry out student final assignment exams.